wp_primary_selection_unstable_v1 Module


class pywayland.protocol.wp_primary_selection_unstable_v1.ZwpPrimarySelectionDeviceV1
set_selection(source, serial)

Request – opcode 0 (attached to Resource instance)

Set the primary selection

Replaces the current selection. The previous owner of the primary selection will receive a wp_primary_selection_source.cancelled event.

To unset the selection, set the source to NULL.


Request – opcode 1 (attached to Resource instance)

Destroy the primary selection device

Destroy the primary selection device.


Event – opcode 0 (attached to Proxy instance)

Introduce a new wp_primary_selection_offer

Introduces a new wp_primary_selection_offer object that may be used to receive the current primary selection. Immediately following this event, the new wp_primary_selection_offer object will send wp_primary_selection_offer.offer events to describe the offered mime types.

Parameters:offer (ZwpPrimarySelectionOfferV1) –

Event – opcode 1 (attached to Proxy instance)

Advertise a new primary selection

The wp_primary_selection_device.selection event is sent to notify the client of a new primary selection. This event is sent after the wp_primary_selection.data_offer event introducing this object, and after the offer has announced its mimetypes through wp_primary_selection_offer.offer.

The data_offer is valid until a new offer or NULL is received or until the client loses keyboard focus. The client must destroy the previous selection data_offer, if any, upon receiving this event.

Parameters:id (ZwpPrimarySelectionOfferV1 or None) –


class pywayland.protocol.wp_primary_selection_unstable_v1.ZwpPrimarySelectionDeviceManagerV1

X primary selection emulation

The primary selection device manager is a singleton global object that provides access to the primary selection. It allows to create wp_primary_selection_source objects, as well as retrieving the per-seat wp_primary_selection_device objects.


Request – opcode 0 (attached to Resource instance)

Create a new primary selection source

Create a new primary selection source.


Request – opcode 1 (attached to Resource instance)

Create a new primary selection device

Create a new data device for a given seat.

Parameters:seat (WlSeat) –

Request – opcode 2 (attached to Resource instance)

Destroy the primary selection device manager

Destroy the primary selection device manager.


class pywayland.protocol.wp_primary_selection_unstable_v1.ZwpPrimarySelectionSourceV1

Offer to replace the contents of the primary selection

The source side of a wp_primary_selection_offer, it provides a way to describe the offered data and respond to requests to transfer the requested contents of the primary selection clipboard.


Request – opcode 0 (attached to Resource instance)

Add an offered mime type

This request adds a mime type to the set of mime types advertised to targets. Can be called several times to offer multiple types.

Parameters:mime_type (ArgumentType.String) –

Request – opcode 1 (attached to Resource instance)

Destroy the primary selection source

Destroy the primary selection source.

send(mime_type, fd)

Event – opcode 0 (attached to Proxy instance)

Send the primary selection contents

Request for the current primary selection contents from the client. Send the specified mime type over the passed file descriptor, then close it.

  • mime_type (ArgumentType.String) –
  • fd (ArgumentType.FileDescriptor) –

Event – opcode 1 (attached to Proxy instance)

Request for primary selection contents was canceled

This primary selection source is no longer valid. The client should clean up and destroy this primary selection source.


class pywayland.protocol.wp_primary_selection_unstable_v1.ZwpPrimarySelectionOfferV1

Offer to transfer primary selection contents

A wp_primary_selection_offer represents an offer to transfer the contents of the primary selection clipboard to the client. Similar to WlDataOffer, the offer also describes the mime types that the data can be converted to and provides the mechanisms for transferring the data directly to the client.

receive(mime_type, fd)

Request – opcode 0 (attached to Resource instance)

Request that the data is transferred

To transfer the contents of the primary selection clipboard, the client issues this request and indicates the mime type that it wants to receive. The transfer happens through the passed file descriptor (typically created with the pipe system call). The source client writes the data in the mime type representation requested and then closes the file descriptor.

The receiving client reads from the read end of the pipe until EOF and closes its end, at which point the transfer is complete.

  • mime_type (ArgumentType.String) –
  • fd (ArgumentType.FileDescriptor) –

Request – opcode 1 (attached to Resource instance)

Destroy the primary selection offer

Destroy the primary selection offer.


Event – opcode 0 (attached to Proxy instance)

Advertise offered mime type

Sent immediately after creating announcing the wp_primary_selection_offer through wp_primary_selection_device.data_offer. One event is sent per offered mime type.

Parameters:mime_type (ArgumentType.String) –